Content Marketing for real estate is never one-size-fits-all, either for residential real estate or commercial real estate. At RE-MEX-IMAGE, I ...READ MORE
REAL ESTATE BLOG: Effective Content Marketing for real estate professionals
It all starts with tourism. People become interested in purchasing real estate in Mexico AFTER they visit, right? Before tourists visit your amazing town in Mexico, they Google where to stay, where to eat, and things to do. That means, you should have your fishing net stretched out wide - your real estate blog.
After reading YOUR content, they’ll know you and join your email list before they visit. In other words, real estate blogging is "Content Marketing." Mailchimp defines Content Marketing as:
"...a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and retain an audience by creating and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other media. This approach establishes expertise, promotes brand awareness, and keeps your business top of mind when it’s time to buy what you sell."
An effective real estate blog
Your real estate blog should not be focused on your listings. If you only enter the details and images from your listings into blog posts, you'll be competing with IDX technology among others. That means, their search results will show your competitors in the list for that listing too. It's a roll-of-the-dice, and your blog post won't even be in that search list.
Featuring your listing in a blog post is a good idea, if you do it right. But first, you should be focused on capturing other searches regarding your area first-and-foremost. That's because of what I stated earlier - people become interested in purchasing real estate in Mexico AFTER they visit. Therefore, capture them with your real estate blog BEFORE they visit with content they look for online - Content Marketing.
Important content on your real estate blog
The most important content to put on your real estate blog is information people really look for. To explain, before tourists visit your beautiful Mexican destination, they search for restaurants, hotels, beaches, golf courses, and activities or events. If your real estate blog contains well-written content about those things, they'll learn about everything they need to know, from YOU.
Become the local expert online to become the go-to real estate professional in your area. Successful real estate agents already do this through word-of-mouth. They're the agents new visitors go to for information. Then, they go to them to purchase real estate. You can do the same thing online, faster, and for a bigger audience.
Blog about your listing the right way
Don't just blog about any listing. Your Area Guides and Featured Community pages will feature many of your listings already. It's the Area Guide people will search for online. Then, your listings will add additional intrigue and interest.
Choose a special listing to cover in your real estate blog post. Tell the story about that listing - when and how it was built, who owned it previously, and what was behind it's design. Then, reveal the exciting details about where it sits. From the beach and golf course nearby to the restaurants and local attractions, present all of the amazing perks that come with your exquisite listing.
This article is filed under the Real Estate Blog topic
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